Greetings, you magical creatures, it’s Jaye, your resident eclectic witch! 😍🖤
Just stopping by for a spell to share that beyond YouTube and Spotify, I’m now on The TikTok (Goddess help me), Instagram, Pinterest, Threads, and X, even though I truly despise what that platform (you’ll always be Twitter to me, TWITTER) has become. 👀 Here’s my LinkTree, in which it’s all gathered in one place.
It takes a long while to produce the longer aesthetics-y podcast episodes, but I’m finding it’s really fun to do some shorts/reels/TikToks here and there to fill in the gaps between larger productions. I am also starting some pre-production on shorter content, such as a Magic Vibes Only book club, vinyl record playthroughs, art projects, and oracle deck readings. It’s going to be a fun holiday season over here!
Speaking of which—WITCH—I’ve got a VERY creepy, darkly magical podcast episode in the works as I type! I’m hoping to post it in time for Samhain, but as this isn’t my day job, I don’t know if I’ll make the cut. Thankfully, every day is Halloween around here, so it shall be posted no matter what date, and it should be posted rather soon.
I’ll drop a hint here of what I’m conjuring up. Any guesses as to what it may be?
I hope you’re having a glorious October. See you soon on the blog!