All magic things must come to an end, even for an immortal forest witch. She has awakened, she has conjured, she has necromanced. Now she falls asleep to dream under the October sky, veiled in magic and music and starlight… 🖤✨🌙
The (royalty free) sounds of a witch in a forest dreaming in a dark reverie. Perfect for spellcasting, tarot, ritual work, background music for writing, creative/productivity/reading sprints, meditation, studying & deep work, kitchen witchery, magical streamers, fairytale dreamers, and anyone who loves music with Autumnal, witchy vibes. Feel free to watch this episode on YouTube, (and subscribe while you’re there)!
If you like this episode, check out the rest of the series!
The Awakening (Vol I)
The Conjuring (Vol II)
The Necromantic (Vol III)