Imbolc is such an underrated gem in the Pagan wheel of the year. Over the years, as I’ve embraced my Eclectic Witchery and cultivated my practice, Imbolc has become one of my favorite Sabbats.

Cottagecore Imbolc | Created by Jaye in Midjourney
Celebrating Imbolc: Dates and Meanings
Celebrated between February 1st and 4th in my Northern Hemisphere (August if you’re south of the equator), Imbolc is the halfway point between the Winter and Spring equinox. It’s only a matter of time now; whether you feel it or not, spring is coming. 🌷☀️
Celtic for “in the belly,” Imbolc is the womb of winter, Mother Earth growing larger with her spring pregnancy. With Imbolc comes hope, the feeling of anticipation that something is about to bloom, to be born, from baby lambs to bunnies to flowers, to those projects and ideas you’ve been too sleepy to pursue in the dead of winter.
It’s only a matter of time now; whether you feel it or not, spring is coming! 🙌🏻🍃

Brigid: The Fire of Imbolc | Created by Jaye in Midjourney
Honoring Brigid: Goddess of Imbolc
Imbolc is also a celebration of Brigid (pronounced Breed), the blazing, red-haired Celtic goddess of fire, fertility, poetry, crops, and the home. Brigid is truly unique; as one of the rare Pagan Goddesses to be consecrated into a Christian Saint (Bridget), she reminds us that the spirit—the light of our magic within—cannot be contained by religion. Even now, an eternal flame of Brigid burns in Kildare, Ireland, a national symbol of protection, creativity, and the warmth of the Goddess’s blessings upon the nation. She also reminds us that winter is a time when we’re forged in fire, our patience tested, our resilience fine-tuned like a sharp blade in a Blacksmith’s forge—and yes, she is the official Goddess/patron saint of blacksmiths and ironworkers!

An Imbolc Altar | Created by Jaye in Midjourney
Rituals and Practices for Imbolc
To celebrate Imbolc and the Goddess/Saint Brigid, we light candles and bonfires to awaken the hope within, celebrate creativity, and renew our life’s passions. We weave Celtic crosses out of wetland grasses, paper, or straw, hanging them from doors and windows, asking for Brigid’s protection over our homes from winter diseases. We walk outside when the winter Sun reminds us He’s still there, looking for the first signs of spring in the grassy patches peeking out from the snow (if we’re lucky enough not to be a few feet under after a February blizzard). ❄️🥶

Imbolc: Magical Hygge Season | Created by Jaye in Midjourney
Imbolc: My Magical Hygge Season
Even though we’re officially at winter’s halfway point, in some climates (like my Midwest), winter feels more eternal than hope can spring in February. This is why Imbolc has become so magical and special to me: with all of its winter blues, blahs, and brrrs, February is peak cozy season. The best time to get a little hygge with life. Light your candles, stoke your fires, and journal about your hopes, dreams, and summer bucket lists. Clean the house so you can be outside playing when it’s warm again—forget spring cleaning, make it Imbolc cleaning!
It’s that perfect time to read books, books, and more books—more than you already do. 🤓 The time of year when people aren’t all out of town for the summer. Therefore, gathering with friends and family is easier. Lively conversations over comfort food-y dinners, and belly-warming drinks await you and your tribe.

Goddess of Spring & Spark | Created by Jaye in Midjourney
Imbolc: A Spark That Ignites the Flames
Finally, it’s the perfect time to chase your creative spark so winter doesn’t drive you mad. Imbolc is a beautiful time to double down on your annual goals or redefine them if they’re not working. Set your sights on the horizon of your desires and fine-tune your passions.
So tomorrow, if that little 💩 Puckstatawnie Groundhog tells us we’ve got a long way to go before we see any sign of spring, smile and remember Brigid and Imbolc. Embrace the opportunity to stay cozy and relaxed a little longer, for Brigid’s fire never goes out.
It’s only a matter of time now; whether you feel it or not, spring is coming. 🍃☀️🌷

The Warmth of Imbolc | Created by Jaye in Midjourney
An Imbolc Blessing to Keep You Warm!
And when you take those winter walks, look for the snowdrops popping up from the ground; you may see a fairie there, waking up from her winter sleep, too. 🧚🏻♀️✨😉
Happy Imbolc, my magical ones! May the blessings of Brigid bring you warmth and light.
With love and Magic,
~J. ✨🖤✨