Nobody wants to be back to The Grind™️ this week. If you say you do, I think you’re lying. 😂
So, below is a fun little winter folklore quiz to distract us!
It takes less than a minute and is truly no strings attached. If you want to sign up for my newsletter, you can. If you don’t, you still get to take the quiz. I don’t believe in forcing opt-ins to a mailing list! But I do bribe you. Oh yes. 😈 This month, I’m kicking off a new Witchy Wheel of the Year Giveaway, in which the prizes are themed to Sabbats and Esbats. They will be fairytale-inspired, folklore-AF bundles of magic. The current giveaway theme will be, you guessed it, Yule! It will be a prize package to keep your winter nights cozy and warm. (To be officially announced next week)!
Without further ado, click here or the button below to take the quiz! ❄️👇🏻 It’s a beautiful Typeform quiz, private, safe, and secure.
CLICK TO TAKE THE QUIZ!Enjoy, and see you soon with more winter magic! OH! If you want to share which character you got, I’d love to hear from you! Please leave comments below or find me on social media. Please also share the quiz!! Let’s all procrastinate together. 😉
I had SO MUCH FUN creating the art and developing the questions and personality traits… I hope you enjoy taking it as much as I enjoyed making it!
With Love and Magic,
~J. 💖❄️